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33rd Annual General Meeting

INF Nepal’s 33rd AGM celebrated a year of progress, welcomed new leadership, and set a forward-looking vision to continue empowering Nepal’s communities through health and development initiatives.

  • 2:55 min


Pokhara, Nepal – October 29, 2024 – INF Nepal conducted its 33rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Multi-Purpose Learning Centre, Green Pastures Complex, Pokhara. This well-attended event brought together board members, life members, general members, and INF management to celebrate a year of growth, review the organisation’s progress, and chart the path forward.

The AGM’s open session commenced with a warm welcome address from Dhana Lama, Treasurer of the INF Nepal Board. The inaugural ceremony was graced together by chief guest Pastor Kalu Bahadur Tamang, Acting Chair­person of the Pokhara Christian Community, and RC Timothy, INF Nepal’s Board Chair­person, who inaugu­rated the meeting by lighting a candle in the tradi­tional Nepali style. The meeting also warmly welcomed two new general members, Prakash Gharti and Suman Bayalkoti, who were intro­duced and led in a brief ceremony of commitment by RC Timothy.

The program also featured key presen­ta­tions, including Madhu Thapa, board secretary, presenting the Executive Committee’s Annual Report. Krishna Adhikari, Executive Director, presented a compre­hensive look at INF Nepal’s impact over the past year and its vision for the coming year. Dr Arun Kumar Budha, medical services director, then shared an overview of the Hospital and Health Services report and future direction. Dhaka Ram BM, Managing Director of Shining Nepal Multi-Purpose Company (SNMC), provided updates on SNMC’s report and plans.

Dhana Lama presented the Audit Report, Finance Report and Budget plan to uphold financial trans­parency, followed by messages of encour­agement and support shared by esteemed guests and general members Durga Gurung and Hari Ram Ghimire, with special greetings from chief guest Pastor Kalu Bahadur Tamang. The AGM concluded with a vote of thanks extended by Board Treasurer Dhana Lama. The open session concluded with closing remarks from RC Timothy and a prayer by Rajendra Kumar Adhikari, INF Nepal Board Vice-Chairperson.

The second part of the meeting, attended exclu­sively by members, saw the formal approval of the Programme and Financial Report for FY 2080–81 and the Plan and Budget for 2081–82. The 32nd AGM minutes were approved, and 3 Board vacant positions were filled with complete consensus. The newly nominated members were Dr. Indra Bahadur Napit, Dr. Shiva Ram Srimal and Madhu Kumar Thapa. The 123rd Board meeting was held after the AGM, under the chairship of Vice chair­person Mr. Rajendra Kumar Adhikari, who confirmed the office bearer position on the Board. Mr. Madhu Kumar Thapa was confirmed as Chair­person, and Mr Madhav Neupane was confirmed as Secretary. Dr. Shiv Ram Shrimal and Dr. Indra Bahadur Napit were confirmed as Board Members. Pastor KP Tripathy, the election commis­sioner, facil­i­tated the nomination process.

This year’s AGM not only celebrated the organisation’s achieve­ments and outlined plans for the future but also marked a signif­icant leadership transition. INF Nepal extends heartfelt gratitude to RC Timothy for his decade of service and dedication as Chair­person from 2014 to 2024, which has been instru­mental in advancing the vision and mission of INF Nepal. His commitment and leadership have contributed signif­i­cantly to the growth and devel­opment of INF Nepal, helping us extend our reach and impact in the commu­nities we serve.

A warm welcome also goes to Madhu Kumar Thapa, elected as the new Chair­person. His appointment signifies an exciting phase of continued progress and commitment to INF Nepal’s mission and values, bringing and living out the vision of “Life in All Its Fullness.”

INF Nepal looks forward to this new chapter of growth, continuing its mission to empower commu­nities with health and community devel­opment initia­tives across Nepal.

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