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Availability and Affordability of Essential Palliative Care Medicine in Nepal

The need for accessible palliative care is more pressing than ever in Nepal, where significant strides are being made to improve the availability and affordability of essential medications. A recent paper titled “Availability and Affordability of Essential Palliative Care Medicine in Nepal” has been published in the renowned Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, marking…

  • 1:43 min

The need for accessible palliative care is more pressing than ever in Nepal, where significant strides are being made to improve the availability and affordability of essential medications. A recent paper titled “Availability and Affordability of Essential Palliative Care Medicine in Nepal” has been published in the renowned Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, marking a critical step toward shedding light on the current challenges and gaps in accessing palliative care in the region. This study offers valuable insights into the accessibility of these medicines and examines the economic and logistical barriers that patients often face.

Build­ing on this momentum, a Pal­li­at­ive Care for­mu­lary has been drafted to estab­lish a stand­ard­ised guide for the essen­tial med­ic­a­tions required in pal­li­at­ive care prac­tices across Nepal. This for­mu­lary is cur­rently under expert review by seasoned pal­li­at­ive care spe­cial­ists, who are fine-tuning the recom­mend­a­tions to ensure the highest stand­ards of care and access­ib­il­ity. Once approved, this for­mu­lary will provide health­care prac­ti­tion­ers with a unified ref­er­ence for pre­scrib­ing and man­aging pal­li­at­ive care med­ic­a­tions, con­trib­ut­ing to more con­sist­ent care for patients across dif­fer­ent regions.

In a par­al­lel effort, a manu­script has been sub­mit­ted to the Indian Journal of Pal­li­at­ive Care, doc­u­ment­ing both the achieve­ments and per­sist­ent chal­lenges related to opioid access­ib­il­ity in Nepal. Opioids, often crit­ical in man­aging severe pain for pal­li­at­ive patients, remain dif­fi­cult to access due to reg­u­lat­ory, edu­ca­tional, and logist­ical issues. This manu­script high­lights ongoing efforts to address these bar­ri­ers, provid­ing a bal­anced view of both the pro­gress made and the hurdles that still need to be over­come. It’s a candid reflec­tion on the com­plex­it­ies of opioid access­ib­il­ity in Nepal and offers recom­mend­a­tions for future improve­ments, aiming to inform policy changes and health­care practices.

These com­bined efforts rep­res­ent a sig­ni­fic­ant push toward a future where all Nepalis in need of pal­li­at­ive care have afford­able access to essen­tial med­ic­a­tions. Each pub­lic­a­tion and policy review strengthens the found­a­tion for a more com­pre­hens­ive pal­li­at­ive care system, giving hope for a future where relief from pain and suf­fer­ing is within reach for all.

Please download: The Report

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