Flat Preloader Icon
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Autism Handbook: Web-Based Educational Resource

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is increasingly recognized as a critical neurodevelopmental disorder affecting individuals across Nepal. With growing awareness, there is a pressing need to provide support and understanding for individuals with autism and their families. This disorder encompasses a range of developmental differences, including social challenges, communication difficulties, and unique behavioural patterns, all of…

  • 0:57 min

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is increasingly recognized as a critical neurodevelopmental disorder affecting individuals across Nepal. With growing awareness, there is a pressing need to provide support and understanding for individuals with autism and their families. This disorder encompasses a range of developmental differences, including social challenges, communication difficulties, and unique behavioural patterns, all of which affect daily life and integration within society. However, many Nepali communities lack awareness and access to resources to support affected individuals.

To address this gap, several national and inter­na­tional organ­i­sa­tions, along with local government and commu­nities, have initiated awareness campaigns, education programs, and support services for autism. As part of these efforts, a web-based educa­tional resource PDF, titled Autism Handbook: Web-Based Educa­tional Resource, has been produced and is available for download. This handbook aims to provide essential infor­mation and guidance to foster an autism-friendly environment that respects the needs and rights of individuals on the autism spectrum. Compre­hensive infor­mation, dedicated resources, and the active partic­i­pation of all stake­holders are essential for empow­ering individuals with autism to access educa­tional and social oppor­tu­nities, ensuring they can lead fulfilling lives

Please Download: Autism Handbook: Web-Based Educational Resource

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