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Kal Bahadur’s Triumph: Reclaiming Independence with a New Leg

Kal Bahadur’s life was changed forever after a leg amputation, but with the support of INF Nepal’s CHD Project, he regained his mobility and independence, empowering him to return to daily life and work with renewed strength and pride.

  • 1:30 min


Kal Bahadur, 53, from Tila RM in Jumla, had lived a normal life until the age of 23, when a sudden leg ailment began to take away his ability to walk. His condition worsened over time, and after seeking medical help, doctors diagnosed him with cancer in his left leg. The required amputation left Kal facing not only physical pain but emotional struggles as well, forever altering the course of his life.

Deter­mined not to give up, Kal crafted a wooden leg for himself, hoping it would allow him to carry on. But despite his ingenuity, life became more difficult. Financial and household respon­si­bil­ities shifted to his parents and wife, and his attempts to work by grazing cows and goats were hindered by the sores caused by the painful wooden leg. That’s when INF Nepal’s CHD Project stepped in. Through the Nadegufa Disability Group and collab­o­ration with INF’s Jumla branch and Green Pastures Hospital in Pokhara, Kal received an artificial leg that restored much of his mobility.

With his new prosthetic leg, Kal regained the ability to walk and take part in daily activ­ities, including tending to his cattle. “I can now walk without a stick and work like others. My family and neigh­bours are happy to see me doing well,” he says with a sense of pride. Krishna Rawat, chair­person of the Self-Help Group, adds, “Supporting Kal has brought joy to his family and the community, and it shows that INF Nepal stands by those who need help the most.”

Kal’s journey is just one example of the broader impact of CHD’s work. Last year alone, 357 individuals with disabil­ities received assistive devices, restoring their mobility and indepen­dence, while 225 people were granted disability cards, enabling access to vital services such as social security and healthcare.

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