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Turning Dreams into Reality

*Rani Rawal, a 22-year-old resident of Haatsijha, Kanakasundari Rural Municipality in Jumla, lives with her family of four. Her household includes her 32-year-old husband and their two sons, aged 8 and 4. While her husband travels to India for seasonal work, Rani manages their small agricultural field and cares for their children. Despite coming from…

  • 1:25 min


*Rani Rawal, a 22-year-old resident of Haatsijha, Kanaka­sundari Rural Munic­i­pality in Jumla, lives with her family of four. Her household includes her 32-year-old husband and their two sons, aged 8 and 4. While her husband travels to India for seasonal work, Rani manages their small agricul­tural field and cares for their children.

Despite coming from a poor background, Rani had a strong desire to build a better future. With a keen interest in tailoring, she took the step of investing her own savings to attend a training program in Nepalgunj. However, upon completing the training, she faced a major hurdle—a lack of funds to start her tailoring business.

Deter­mined not to give up, Rani reached out to the INF Nepal imple­mented project SRIJANA-II. Following discus­sions with community members and the project team, she was selected to receive in-kind support. This assis­tance, valued at NPR 50,000, provided the essential materials she needed to establish her tailoring shop from a sewing machine, fabric, scissors, measuring tapes, and other essential tailoring materials necessary to set up her shop.

Thanks to this timely support, Rani success­fully opened her shop in Gothijeula. While the regis­tration process for the shop is still underway, her business is already making a positive impact on her family’s income as she has been earning a humble income from the tailoring. She shared her heartfelt gratitude, saying, “I am very thankful for the support I received. It has helped me turn my skills into a livelihood.”

Rani’s story highlights the impor­tance of small but meaningful support in trans­forming lives. With deter­mi­nation and the right assis­tance, she has taken a step toward financial indepen­dence and a better future for her family.

*Name changed for anonymity

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