Sixteen-year-old Sunita Shahi from Nalgadh‑6, Jajarkot, is determined to move forward despite enduring heartbreaking loss. Once a complete family, the devastating earthquake on November 3rd claimed the lives of her father and one of her brothers. Now living with her mother, brother, and two sisters, Sunita faces the daily challenge of walking two hours to and from school. Yet her resolve to continue her education and honour her father’s wishes keeps her strong.
Sunita remembers fondly the warmth of her family, especially during festival seasons. “It used to be a lot of fun with them,” she recalls. The night of the earthquake remains vivid in her memory. After dinner, her family retired early. Around midnight, her father’s voice rang out, “Wake up, wake up, everyone, there is an earthquake.” Moments later, their home collapsed, burying her family beneath the rubble. Her younger sisters cried out for help, and her father tried to comfort them, saying, “Probably the entire village has been devastated, so no one will come to rescue us.”
The family was eventually rescued at 1 a.m., but by then, her father had stopped speaking. Her mother and sisters were severely injured, and her siblings required urgent care, with some sent to Surkhet and Nepalgunj for further treatment. Though the experience haunts her, Sunita draws strength from her memories of her family.
In the aftermath, Sunita and her siblings retrieved what they could from the rubble, pulling out sleeping mats and blankets. Neighbours offered a tarp and food, and within days, INF Nepal’s rapid response team arrived with essential supplies, including warm fibre mattresses and blankets as part of their winter relief package. Sunita’s family was among those who received this support. “It was cold in the tent, but with the warm blankets and mattresses, we could sleep comfortably,” she shared, grateful for the comfort that helped them through those harsh nights.
Today, Sunita continues to experience flashbacks and occasional fainting spells. “I get nightmares of that horrific night and what happened to our family. I miss my father and brother a lot,” she says, with tears in her eyes. Despite the grief, Sunita is determined to keep going, planning to harvest the wheat her father had planted, though uncertain about the future.
INF Nepal’s timely support has given Sunita and her family some much-needed relief and a foundation to rebuild their lives. Sunita’s story is one of resilience, a testament to her strength and the vital role of community support in the wake of disaster.