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Janaki Yadav: Restoring Dignity and Hope

Janaki Yadav, a 35-year-old woman from Banke District, Nepal, endured a lifetime of hardship due to early marriage, societal expectations, and a debilitating fistula, but after receiving life-changing surgery at the INF Surkhet Fistula Centre, she regained her health, dignity, and confidence, inspiring hope for other women in similar circumstances.

  • 1:47 min


Janaki Yadav, a 35-year-old woman from Banke Dis­trict, Nepal, has endured a life­time of hard­ship shaped by the tra­di­tions of her com­munity. Married at just seven years old, Janaki’s life—like many others—was determ­ined by soci­etal norms, espe­cially the expect­a­tion to bear a son, a symbol of family honour and future secur­ity. Unable to give her husband a son, Janaki made the heart-wrench­ing decision to allow him to marry again, hoping it would bring peace to her family. Over the years, she exper­i­enced five preg­nan­cies, but tra­gic­ally, only one child survived.

Her final preg­nancy left her with a debil­it­at­ing fistula, a con­di­tion that caused con­stant urinary leakage. The phys­ical dis­com­fort was unbear­able, but the emo­tional toll was even greater. Shunned by her com­munity, Janaki with­drew from social and family events, believ­ing her con­di­tion was untreat­able. “I thought my con­di­tion was not curable, so I never sought medical help,” she recalls. However, everything changed when she met a woman from her village who had suffered from the same con­di­tion but had fully recovered after treat­ment at the INF Surkhet Fistula Centre.

Inspired by this story, Janaki sought help and registered for surgery at the Fistula Centre in August 2023. After just two weeks of recov­ery, she was fully healed. For the first time in years, she was dry, com­fort­able, and able to rejoin her family and com­munity without shame. “I never ima­gined I could live like this again,” she says, her voice filled with joy. Janaki’s new­found con­fid­ence allows her to par­ti­cip­ate in social events once more, and she is deeply grate­ful for the life-chan­ging care she received.

Janaki’s journey is one of many. In the past year alone, the INF Surkhet Fistula Centre iden­ti­fied 82 new fistula patients, high­light­ing the wide­spread suf­fer­ing in rural areas where many women believe their con­di­tion is untreat­able. Of those, 57 women received life-saving sur­ger­ies, offer­ing them a second chance at life. The work of the INF Surkhet Fistula Centre is more than just medical care—it’s about restor­ing dignity, bring­ing hope, and offer­ing a new lease on life to women who have long suffered in silence.

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