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Satish’s Triumph: Restoring Mobility and Hope After Leprosy

Thanks to the skilled team at Green Pastures Hospital, Satish has regained movement in his left hand and a renewed sense of independence. Diagnosed with leprosy at just 17, Satish first noticed unusual symptoms—painful nerves and his left hand beginning to claw.

  • 1:42 min


Thanks to the skilled team at Green Pastures Hospital, Satish has regained movement in his left hand and a renewed sense of indepen­dence. Diagnosed with leprosy at just 17, Satish first noticed unusual symptoms—painful nerves and his left hand beginning to claw. This marked the start of a journey that would test his resilience and reveal the life-changing impact of early diagnosis, specialised treatment, and dedicated care.

After his initial diagnosis at Lumbini Province Hospital, Satish began a 21-month course of multidrug therapy (MDT) for leprosy, which helped manage the disease but brought its own challenges, including skin darkening. As his symptoms progressed, he was referred to Green Pastures Hospital (GPH) for further compli­cation management. At GPH, Satish underwent nerve decom­pression surgery, a vital inter­vention to restore function in his hand and alleviate the constant pain and discomfort that had impacted his daily life.

Following surgery, Satish spent a month at GPH, receiving intensive occupa­tional therapy and nursing care designed to restore strength and sensation in his hand. This period of recovery was essential, allowing him to regain control and mobility while building his confi­dence for the future. The dedicated care provided by GPH’s team helped him see a path forward, free from the limita­tions leprosy had imposed on him.

Beyond physical recovery, the support and encour­agement Satish received at GPH reignited his hope for the future. Now back in school and deter­mined to finish his high school education, Satish has a new outlook on life, inspired by the skilled inter­vention and compas­sionate care he received. He’s confident that with continued treatment, he’ll fully recover from the disease and pursue his dreams with renewed energy.

Satish’s journey highlights the impor­tance of acces­sible, specialised care for leprosy patients and the remarkable impact that timely medical inter­vention can have. His story is a powerful testament to how hospitals like GPH are trans­forming lives, one patient at a time, and offering a new lease on life to those affected by leprosy and other complex conditions.

(Name changed for anonymity)

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