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Leprosy Screening Camp Detects 8 Patients

In February 2024, INF Nepal’s outreach team held two leprosy screening camps in Kapilvastu’s Maharajgunj Municipality, screening 440 people. Eight suspected cases were identified for Multi-Drug Therapy, and seven biopsies were conducted. Various skin conditions were also treated. Local leaders, including Mayor Aftab Alam, commended INF Nepal’s efforts in addressing these critical healthcare needs.

  • 1:26 min


INF Nepal conducted leprosy screening camps in two health posts of Mahara­jgunj Munic­i­pality in Kapil­vastu on 14 and 15 February 2024. The Community Medical Outreach team of Green Pastures Hospital conducted the camp in close collab­o­ration with the district health office, Kapilvastu.

The camps were organised at the Udaypur Health Post of Ward No. 5 and Shisawa Health Post of Ward No. 9, which saw 440 individuals (212 male and 228 female). Among them, eight individuals were suspected of leprosy cases, needing immediate initi­ation of Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT), while seven underwent biopsies for further diagnosis.

Various skin condi­tions were addressed during the camp, highlighting the diverse healthcare needs within the community, including Multi­bacillary leprosy, type‑1 reaction, tinea, eczema, dryness, planta, allergy, scabies, and vitiligo.

The camps were led by a medical team from Green Pastures Hospital, including a derma­tol­ogist and lab technol­ogist, supported by a community outreach team and coordi­nated by the local INF team of Kapil­vastu Branch Office.

The primary objective of leprosy screening medical camp is to proac­tively detect and diagnose individuals suffering from leprosy within a community or population. Identify individuals with early signs and symptoms of leprosy, allowing for prompt treatment initi­ation and prevention of further trans­mission and prevention from grade two disability.

Mayor Aftab Alam of Mahara­jgunj Munic­i­pality thanked the INF team, acknowl­edging their dedication to addressing neglected issues within Kapilvastu.

We are also thankful to the local officials, including Mayor Abdul Kalam, Ward Chair­person of Ward No. 9 Pharid Ahamud Muhammad, Leprosy Focal Person of Mahara­jgunj munic­i­pality Radheshyam Kalwar, Health Unit In-charge Iswari Prasad Neupane, and Chief of the Health Office in Kapil­bastu Narayan Prasad Chaudhary for all their support and collab­o­ration. Their positive assessment affirmed the programme’s effec­tiveness in addressing crucial healthcare needs within the community.

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