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Strengthening disaster preparedness in Gandaki

The Disaster Preparedness Network (DP Net) held its Gandaki Provincial Meeting on 27 March 2024 at the INF Complex in Pokhara, uniting diverse organisations to enhance disaster readiness in Gandaki Province. INF Nepal and ACN shared insights from their Jajarkot Earthquake response, supporting DP Net’s mission to strengthen collaborative disaster preparedness efforts across the region.

  • 1:1 min


The Disaster Preparedness Network (DP Net)’s Gandaki Provincial Meeting took place at the MSTC Hall in INF Complex, Simpani, Pokhara, on 27 March 2024.

The meeting served as a plat­form for know­ledge exchange and col­lab­or­a­tion. The meeting attendees exchanged ideas on strength­en­ing dis­aster pre­pared­ness efforts in Gandaki Province.

Krishna Adhi­kari, Exec­ut­ive Dir­ector of INF Nepal, wel­comed the member attendees while Surya Bahadur Thapa, the Imme­di­ate Past Pres­id­ent of DP Net Centre Com­mit­tee, shared the object­ive of DP Net.

The DP Net Gandaki Province members included rep­res­ent­at­ives from diverse organ­isa­tions such as the Imme­di­ate & Past Pres­id­ent of the DP Net Centre Com­mit­tee, NGO Fed­er­a­tion of Gandaki and Kaski, Aama Milan Kendra, INSEC Pokhara, Asal Chhime­kee Nepal (ACN), and INF Nepal.

INF Nepal and ACN shared their recent exper­i­ences and lessons learned from their dis­aster response efforts in the after­math of the Jajarkot Earth­quake. Their insights provided valu­able guid­ance on effect­ive dis­aster response prac­tices, con­trib­ut­ing to the col­lect­ive efforts to enhance dis­aster pre­pared­ness in the Gandaki region.

The meeting high­lighted DP Net’s role in facil­it­at­ing col­lab­or­a­tion among organ­isa­tions, includ­ing gov­ern­ment insti­tu­tions and fos­ter­ing shared exper­i­ences and strategies for dis­aster pre­pared­ness and response.

Hari Bandhu Aryal, DRR Tech­nical Coordin­ator of INF Nepal, facil­it­ated the meeting.

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