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Malati’s Journey of Resilience: Self-Help Group

She found hope and support through the Paribartan Self-Help Group, part of an INF Nepal initiative in her community. Joining the group offered her a chance to rebuild; with training in agricultural practices, she learned seasonal vegetable cultivation and integrated pest management.

  • 1:23 min


Malati Bista, a 47-year-old from Sothargaun in Narahar­inath Rural Munic­i­pality, Kalikot, was married at fifteen. Just two years later, she became a mother, stepping into parenthood at a young age. Not long into their marriage, her husband left for India in search of work, but he soon disap­peared without a trace. Despite her efforts, Malati received no commu­ni­cation, no money, no letters—only silence. Enduring nine years of waiting and mistreatment from her in-laws, she remained hopeful for his return. Eventually, her husband did come back, but the reunion was short-lived as Malati faced abuse from both her husband and in-laws.

Unable to bear the abuse any longer, Malati made the difficult decision to leave her husband’s home and returned to her parental village with her daughter, leaving her other children with her in-laws. In 2015, she legally separated from her husband. Despite these challenges, Malati was deter­mined to create a better life for herself and her daughter. She found hope and support through the Parib­artan Self-Help Group, part of an INF Nepal initiative in her community. Joining the group offered her a chance to rebuild; with training in agricul­tural practices, she learned seasonal vegetable culti­vation and integrated pest management.

With seeds and resources provided by the program, Malati began vegetable farming. Her dedication and hard work soon turned this venture into a stable income source, earning her NPR 7,000 (around AUD 80) per month. Today, Malati not only sustains her family’s food needs but also contributes to her daughter’s education. Her savings in the Self-Help Group have given her financial stability, ensuring a brighter future for herself and her family.

(Name changed for anonymity)

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