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Meena’s Rebirth: A Journey of Courage, Surgery, and Hope

Meena’s life was shaped by the physical and emotional toll of leprosy, but with reconstructive surgery at Green Pastures Hospital, she regained not only the use of her hands but also the hope and independence to pursue a brighter future.

  • 1:27 min


Meena, a 21-year-old from Bara dis­trict, has faced a life­time of chal­lenges, bat­tling both leprosy and the stigma that came with it. At just 11, she was dia­gnosed with leprosy, and the disease soon left visible marks on her hands and legs. Despite start­ing Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT), her con­di­tion worsened over the years, leading to clawed hands and painful deform­it­ies. The lack of con­sist­ent medical care only deepened her suf­fer­ing, and by her late teens, Meena was not only strug­gling with phys­ical pain but also with soci­etal rejection.

As if the phys­ical toll wasn’t enough, the emo­tional strain of dis­crim­in­a­tion pre­ven­ted Meena from pur­su­ing her dreams, includ­ing mar­riage. Her con­di­tion and society’s pre­ju­dices made it impossible for her to find a partner, and despite her high stand­ards, her options remained limited. Yet Meena’s story took a hopeful turn when she learned about Green Pas­tures Hos­pital (GPH) from a neigh­bour. Inspired by their success, Meena con­sul­ted with a plastic surgeon at GPH, who recom­men­ded recon­struct­ive surgery for her hands. Meena under­went the surgery in two stages, first on her right hand and later on her left. Thanks to the charity support and excel­lent care at GPH, Meena’s hands were restored, and with them, her hope for a brighter future.

Coming from a large family of nine sib­lings, Meena was always an inspir­a­tion to her loved ones, espe­cially her younger brother, who sup­por­ted her both fin­an­cially and emo­tion­ally. Despite her chal­lenges, she never gave up. With her new­found inde­pend­ence after surgery, Meena now has the con­fid­ence to pursue skills train­ing and secure a job, aiming for fin­an­cial freedom. Her determ­in­a­tion to over­come adversity fuels her vision of a future filled with pos­sib­il­ity and empowerment.

(Name changed for anonymity)

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