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A Journey of Resilience: Kishan Tamang’s Story of Empowerment & Inclusion for the Deaf

Kishan Tamang’s story is one of resilience and determination. Born in Sardikhola, Pokhara, he lost his hearing at the age of four, facing a world full of barriers for the deaf. Despite these challenges, his commitment to creating a better life for himself and others led him to key roles that continue to shape his…

  • 2:33 min

Namaste! My name is Kishan Tamang, and I’m from Sardikhola, Machhapuchchhre RM‑2, located 26 km north of Pokhara. I’m part of a family of four, including my wife, our two sons, and myself. Both my wife and I have hearing disabilities (deafness), but our sons are not affected—they can hear and speak normally. I was born with the ability to hear, but when I was four years old, a severe fever took that ability away. In our search for a solution, my family turned to a local Jhankri for help, as health posts were far away, and urban hospitals were a luxury we couldn’t afford.

I was fortunate enough to attend a local school that provided education for children like me. From grades 1 to 5, I studied there, and for my higher education, I moved on to Sirjana Residential Secondary School for the Deaf in Pokhara, where I specialised in education studies during grades 11 and 12. Unfor­tu­nately, after finishing grade 12, financial constraints and other challenges made it impos­sible to continue my education.

The job market was tough, with very few oppor­tu­nities for someone like me. Undeterred, I joined Gandaki Bahira Sangh (Gandaki Associ­ation of the Deaf), where I dedicated myself to advocating for the rights of individuals with hearing disabil­ities. I also became an active member of a network supporting people with disabil­ities in Machha­puchchhre Rural Munic­i­pality. The search for meaningful employment continued, and it was during this time that I met a staff member from INF Nepal. We discussed the possi­bility of working with them, and I learned that INF encourages appli­ca­tions from individuals with disabilities.

In 2073 BS (2016), I joined INF Nepal, and since then, I’ve been working as a gardener at the INF Nepal Central office. I am truly grateful for the oppor­tunity to contribute to an organ­i­sation that values diversity and inclu­sivity. The collab­o­ration, training, and support within INF is remarkable, and this journey has also taken me to areas like Banke and Surkhet, which has been an incredibly enriching experience.

Though my education might have led me into a different career path, my role as a gardener has brought great personal fulfilment. The team at INF Nepal has become like a second family to me, offering warmth, support, and kindness. This environment has allowed me to live indepen­dently and with dignity, letting my disability fade into the background.

In 2019, I had the honour of repre­senting Nepal at the Annual General Meeting of the World Feder­ation of the Deaf in Paris, France. It was an eye-opening experience, meeting deaf individuals from around the world, learning about their cultures, sign languages, and the services available to the deaf community. I also had the privilege of repre­senting the Gandaki Associ­ation of the Deaf in Thailand, where I exchanged ideas and deepened cross-cultural understanding.

In conclusion, I am deeply grateful to INF Nepal for their unwavering support throughout my journey. I look forward to watching this incredible organ­i­sation continue to grow and thrive. Thank you for empow­ering individuals like me to overcome life’s challenges and flourish.

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